Monday, May 7, 2012

What Does Goth (Or Any Other Alt. Culture) Mean to You?

So I decided to do a poll and I'm thinking I might do one every month and see what you guys all have to say about stuff.  This one is about what Goth or any other alternative subculture means for you, a subject which is interesting to me.

Google Images

The answers to choose from are:
  • It's a lifestyle for you.
  • It's a fashion and music taste for you.
  • It's a part of who I am.
  • It's just a label and doesn't matter.

For me it's not a "lifestyle" because I see a lifestyle as a way of living, and Goth for me is not a way I live my life is more of a part of who I am and what makes me, me.  But in the end I'm not really a label kind of person, although I do refer to myself as goth sometimes (mostly only on here as that never really comes up in my life).  So if someone thinks I am not or thinks I am that's up to them and I don't mind really.  But that is only my opinion as it's most basic.


1 comment:

Mar Qaroll said...

Any subculture I consider myself a part of are simply who I am. They're incorporated into everything I do, whether I mean to or not.