Friday, April 29, 2011

Life As We Know It...

Wow, what a month!  April is always busy for me.  Birthday's, getting on track with school to get finished for summer time, reading for school, firiends, tech... I need a break, and the only way to get one I guess was to get sick, but it's beter now.  And then there's my 16th birthday coming up and I don't know if I'm happy or not.  I really don't like thinking that in less than three years I will be going to college.  And driving this summer, don't want to do taht yet!

 I guess it's nice from not much going on in winter, which I am glad is gone because I was getting a little depressed with it, I need sunshine!  Just as long as it says of my skin... At least I don't get sun burned, just tan.  The sun lifts me spirits up even when I am having a bad day.  And to look out at the beautiful turning lush green grass and bright blue skies, Spring is my favorite season (as well as Autumn).  And actually while basically everyone I know is hoping for a hot summer I want a cooler one like last year, which I think it very well is going to be.

So, I haven't been writing here too much, I just don't have much time to write, and just basically forgetting to, which happens way too much.  But my creativity is coming back to me more so this month, but it seems no time to make it happen which bums me out a lot.  But I think that after a bit more thought I will be getting my hair done.  No cutting this time, I am finally going to brave through the summer with my scalp being very hot and neck too, that's the bad thing about having thick hair.  It's been short for over three years, I'm growing it long.  And no mohawk because my parents decided that when I was older and wanted to do it that than I could, and I think maybe that was the better option.

It's scary how life can change so quickly, for better or for worse.  And how your walk in it can change.  One minute you walking in a path full of light shinning down lighting the way, the next back in the blackness searching for a sign of light...  It amazes me how your soul can be walking in the dark while your physical body can be walking in the sunshine of spring, or dead inside and breathing outside.

I just saw Beetlejuice the other day before Easter.  It had been ages since I saw it last, but I was too tired to finish watching it, being sick then and all I had no energy.  And right now I am starting to read This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti.

I need to go somewhere peaceful to just think: about God, about my story, about what I am being called to do... someday, only someday.

Angel of Darkness

P.S. If I write little next month I'm busy then too.  Oh boy!
If I ever get boring, let me know, please!  :)

1 comment:

ludabelladonna said...

Hello Angel of Darkness! :) I am a woman. Slightly over 60 yrs. of age. An artist. Also love words (and The Word of God) and communication/writing/speaking, etc. I came across your website while searching for local fairy shops. I read what you had written on your website and was absolutely fascinated and delighted by you. Stay with our Lord and He will guide you and direct you on His Path by His written Word. Love you in Christ. Your sister in Christ. !!!!