Tuesday, November 20, 2012

If You Really Want It You Can Wait

For quite a long time I have been wanting a death hawk/mohawk with side burns and all, and even possibly purple and black, or red.  Since I was fifteen that has been a hair style I would like to have.  Right now is the shortest my hair has ever been but no Mohawk. 

 This was before I got my hair cut this summer.

This is how it looks now. 
You may be wondering why I haven't gotten a Mohawk yet like I want.  Well, there are two reasons really.  The first one is that off and on I would decide I wanted a different kind of hair cut/style, and to me that is a sign not to get one until those doubts go away, or I may end up hating it.  (They are gone now.)  The second reason is that when I asked my mom and dad about it.  My mom isn't too big on the idea but she said she could see me with one, but thought I should wait, and my dad just told me that I could do whatever when I was eighteen, which I won't have too long to wait for. 
I now there are others who would just go out and get what they wanted anyways or do it themselves because they didn't like the answer they got.  Well, I find that rude and immature, not to mention disrespectful.  You certainly may want a piercing, or colored hair, or Mohawk, yes, but if you are under eighteen or live under your parents roof then you should probably listen.  My mom isn't against the idea and when I get one she won't be all upset.  But that is just my mom.  My dad couldn't care less I'm sure.  Which is fine with me!  But even if your parents are strict and all, rebelling isn't doing anyone any good, in that sense anyways.
And if you can't wait for it, then you must not want it too bad.  I have learned that from experience in all kinds of thing from clothes, to hair, to whatever. 

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