Monday, June 25, 2012

A Rant About Mormons

I just kind of wanted to write about my rant with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, and if you are one I am not attacking you, in fact don't even take it that way, so no offense.  But I must say, some of the ones I have run into are rather, uh...on the creepy side for me.  And I am not bashing your religion, I feel that to be very wrong, but I am going to rant and you shall see about what.

Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses are, so I have been told, are Christians, they are a denomination of their own.  I am not necessarily going to disagree with that, since I don't know that much about Jehovah Witnesses, but I do know a lot about Mormons.  And while there is not really anything bad about being one, I want to stay away from it myself.

Do you ever get those people who go from door to door all dressed up nice and have their Bible with them and what ever else and will not leave you alone?  In fact you may even dread it when you see them walking down your street.  Well I know I have.  No offense, but when some people think of Christians they think of those people who come knocking at your door trying to convert you to what they believe, and that is not most Christians here, in fact it is only those two.  It really does bug me, I guess it's a pet peeve of mine, when they won't leave you alone even when you tell them you go to church, you are a Christian, and you are not interested.  Then I feel the urge to shut the door on them so they get the message and leave me alone.  I have never done that as it is rude, but I have thought of it...I'm only human here.

I think going door to door like that is wrong, because if that person wants to find God, they will find Him, He's everywhere, there are churches everywhere, except where it is illegal of course.  And doing that drives people away and makes them get frustrated, that or they just don't care.  Also, one time my mother and I got stopped on a walk when two Mormon men stopped us and didn't like how we were trying to leave so we could walk and told them we were Christians and went to a church already.  Then they gave us a card that said something about being married in Heaven, and no, there is no marriage in Heaven, not eve sex as their is no need any longer. 

I actually had a friend once who was a Mormon, her name was Jessica.  I remember her telling me about how they were Christian and believed in Jesus and all, but then she told me later on that they weren't allowed to have a Bible in their house, but they had to have the Book of Mormon.  If you are a Christian then you kind of need the Bible, God's Word, which He says to read.  One time she invited me to go to church with her, which was a very interesting experience for me.  She said that they had to go to that one by their house and everyone who lived by it had to go there, and it was like that everywhere, you have to go to a certain one, unlike other Christians who pick the one that best suits them if you even want to go (like us).  It made me a little uncomfortable as I was not used to going to a church where the men wore suits and the women wore dresses and long skirts, or where you had to sit in pews, and listened to the pastor read from the Book of Mormon.  When they broke us up and I went with my friend and her age group, the group leader asked if I was Mormon and I said I was Christian (you know, no denomination), she gave me a funny look and then everything got awkward.
What bugs me is that being a Christian apparently isn't good enough, you need to be in their denomination.  That's wrong because we are on the same side and are all Christians no matter what little difference there may be, right?   That's what I believe, that we are all on the same side no matter if you are Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, etc.

So one morning on a Saturday when I was still in my pajamas the doorbell rang so I went to answer it, and it was two Jehovah Witnesses (which I noticed that the women go around and for Mormons it's the men that go around...) and they were going on about the end of the world and all that stuff.  They actually were nice about it when I told them that I was already a Christian and all, and they usually are pretty nice about it.

And while I won't go into some of the more disturbing things that I have come to learn about Mormon beliefs (like polygamy and old guys marrying teenage girls, which they don't do anymore), I will say that they don't have Christian beliefs and are sometimes against what the Bible says and are actually more of a Cult, which I found was very interesting.  Also, they say that God was a man on another planet (or whatever) and that he as so good that when he died he got his own world...  Also the guy who came up with the Mormon religion, which I believe it to be it's own religion, was all alone with no witnesses and no one around, it was all him.  A lot of people saw Jesus in His day and saw Him die and heard Him speak, and all the prophets in the Bible had witnesses, and wrote about real people and what they saw, it wasn't just one man writing a book (he would have to have been at least a thousand years old).

I know that all that may have sounded like I was attacking, but I was not, I was just letting out a rant and sharing my personal opinion, and that is perfectly okay if you disagree.  People have can believe in whatever they choose, that is not my business.


P.S. I when to the Highland festival, which is like a Renascence fair with medieval stuff, and will blog about it later this week I think. :)


Draconian_Dream said...

'ello there. I'm an Atheist,but I'm being raised in a Jehovah's Witness household. The are pretty push-y..They truly believe they're doing is right,so they fail to see what annoying jerks they're being.You really have to make it clear you do not want them to come back when they come to your door,or they'll just keep coming. Its how they're trained. Saying you're a Christian won't do anything.
Oh,and both genders go out. Though Women do do the bulk of the preaching work,seeming as they are not really allowed any other privileges in the congregation.

DarkAngelCase said...

Hi! Thanks for the insight. :) And now that you mention it, I think I have seen the men before too.

Limeythoughts said...

Hey there, saw this post and it caught my eye.
I have to agree with you on some things. I' a christian, I go to an Assembly of God church, and coming from this back ground some of their beliefs are foreign. I was going to point out, but somebody are trained to do that. I used to have a somewhat negative opinion about them too. My boyfriend is a JW and while we keep our religious beliefs separate, I've learned that their not as bad as they seem.

DarkAngelCase said...

@Emily - I really don't know much about JW's so I didn't want to mention them much, I don't like talking about things I don't know about. And it's more of the Mormon belief that I don't like, for many biblical reasons. :)