Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dark Journey Called Life

Call it what you will, but life is not party, it's not fair, it's hard, but we all have to go through it and make the most of it.  You can tell a lot about a person because of their worldview and how they see life.  I am going to talk about the latter. 

Everyone has their own way that they look at life.  The ones that I hear the most are: life is like a roller coaster, life is a party, life is a journey, and life sucks.  (Yes, I count that last one as one too.)  I have taken the life is a journey one for my post title, mainly because this is the one that is most like my own.

A while back, when my blog was new, I wrote a piece of work that I had done and thought I should share.  It is a glimpse of how I saw the journey of life, which I will discuss .  This is the blog post.

I see life as a road.  Its a long, twisting and winding road.  Sometimes you see a glimpse of the light, sometimes you only see darkness, other times the way is foggy.  I believe in the narrow path, or road less traveled, and the wide road, the road to destruction.  The narrow path is the one I walk.  Sometimes you have to pass through the mist of a storm that seems to never end, sometimes through a battle field, or a trench.  There are times when you walk along and the way is calm, other times the road twists and turns so sharply that you don't know where you are going till you've turned the corner, and you sometimes feel lost in the forest surrounding you, with creature hiding in the darkness waiting for you to get close enough to catch you.

At the end of this long road is that little ray of light that marks the end, and it is so easy to miss that you have pay very close attention.  The road is so rocky and with roots sticking out that you must watch your step and where you walk or you are most likely to trip and fall in the mud.  It's not easy, it's hard, sometimes it seems too hard to go any further that you can't possibly take another step. 

I have always imagined things to make sense of them myself, to see things in my own way.  This is one of them.  Simply saying life is like a journey just doesn't cut it for me, I had to see it my way.  Seeing it my way helps me better understand where it is I am and where it is that I am going.  This also goes hand in hand with my walk with God.

But I am curious, what is your way of looking at life?  How do you make sense of it all?

Listening to: Thousand Foot Krutch - Scream

Angel of Darkness

1 comment:

Gabriel Sigma said...

Using the road metaphor is a very acute way of describing life.
Personally, I like to think of life as a bus trip. I like this metaphor because of the people I meet. We stop at bus stops and in every one of them, someone new comes in and sits close to me. (A future girlfriend will sit right next to me while a future friend might sit in front of me.) We talk, get to know each other... Later people sit on seats depending on how close I feel to them. Some stay close, while others get off the bus. (A few of those may even get back on.)
I feel relatively safe and comfortable inside the bus (we do live in 1st world countries) but sometimes the trip can be rough. Occasionally, I feel lonely, like I'm the only one their; but sooner or later somebody's bound to get on and sit close to me. (At least, I hope they will.)
And who's the driver? Hopefully my heart.