Monday, April 2, 2012

The Problem with Religion

I have stated before my thought, which is not unique, about how I see religion.  Religion is rules and regulations, keeping you in chains and under a heavy burden that is ridiculous.  That is why I am against religion and don't believe in it.  I am not a religious person, never was and never will be, and neither was Jesus.

There is a misconception that to be a Christian you must be religious, but that is not the case, in fact one could say that they are two separate things.  And to me, they very well can be in many cases. 

I don't know about you but I certainly don't want to be following some religion telling me what I can and can't do.  If you set up wall I will fall over them, and if you keep me from living a life full of Joy I will always be looking for something else to satisfy me.

Now, when it comes to my faith, my Love, and my belief in God, I get none of the above.  No one is telling me what to do, or how to live, or setting up wall to block me in.  I get the choice to do what I know is right and I do it because I fear my God.  I get to be able to live a life to the fullest with Joy because I chose to be with the One that I Love and Who Loves me more and died for me.  It's okay if I screw up and fall down and take the wrong path to sin, because I can simply ask to be forgiven and ask to be lead back to where I need to me.  That's what it's all about.

Also, the Bible is not rule book, it's a Guide Book, and Instruction Manuel to help us on our journey through life.

I don't know if you've seen this video, but I suggest you watch it because this guy did a fantastic job.  Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.

Nuff said.



Dark Fantomzy said...

:nods: Totally agree. It makes me sad when people not only believe the Bible is some sort of rule book to control you, but that there are Christians who propogate that idea.

The problem with being religious is that you are so focused on rules you forget about your relationship with God. YES, the Bible is a Guide Book to help you live a fulfilling life. I hate the term "religion" because I think of the Pharisees and Saducees. I am not religious either and I don't plan to be, but I love Jesus.

God Bless <3

Mar Qaroll said...

I have to agree with you. I'm a very open-minded, freethinking, free-spirited person. The only reason why I'm not going to leave my religion is because the BASICS of Islam I believe are true. That doesn't mean I agree with a good lot of Islamic things, however...
And I'd rather be considered spiritual than religious...

I wouldn't say I hate religion...but I'll admit I have issues with it...

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you said.

Being a Christian Goth can be difficult at times...going into church and feeling eyes on your back is awful, especially during prayer. I go to church to worship Christ, not get stared at.

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