1. Be Yourself
Obviously this should be a given I suppose because what better way would there be than to be you? If you are trying to be someone you are not then not many people are going to be interested in reading your blog. People, including me, like to read about others and their experiences, ups and downs, and what others are interested in, especially if they are interested in it too. And there is always that whole "so I'm not the only one!" thing too.
2. Write About Things You Love and Things Others Love Too
It's fun to write about things that you get excited about like maybe your favorite band, clothes, shoes, TV shows, books, etc. It's a good place to start when you aren't sure what you want to actually write about. Maybe you have a hobby or a passion for something that you could write about and share your joy with others, and they may even share in that joy as well. I know I like to see other people collections of things they enjoy. And if you know that there are many other people out there who love what you love then it's a good idea to write about because why wouldn't they want to read about something they love too. Like I know that there are a lot of people and bloggers out there who like make-up, and so I see a lot of bloggers write about make-up tutorials and such because they love it and so do many of their readers. So look around and see if you can find something to write about that you love as well as others.
3. Try to Write Consistently
I do this all the time and I try not to but sometimes I just have nothing to write about and that's okay. But I know that one of my pet peeves is when the blogger suddenly just stops writing for a while. Try to at least write something once or twice a month, unless of course you just have nothing to write then you can't help it. But I think it does help to try to keep it up so it keeps you going.
4. Don't be Afraid of Saying What's on Your Mind (unless it shouldn't be said)
Maybe you need to get something off your chest or want to share something that you found interesting or feel needs to be shared, share it. But always be aware that if it is a very controversial then if might be a good idea to stay away unless you make a point of letting the readers know that this is just how you feel about it and are not trying to offend anyone. And you don't need to share what is too personal to you unless you want to. Maybe what's on your mind is something you think no one will want to hear about, don't be afraid to hold back too much. I have posted things before that I thought no one would care about and it turned out to be a good idea that I posted it.
5. Change Is Okay
I have changed this blog a few times from what I wanted the title to be to the layout, to what I wanted this blog to be about or what I wanted to write. Peoples interests change and so does their style and what they like to do, and their is nothing wrong with that. For me, I have changed some since I was fifteen so what I originally started this blog for has changed. And sometimes I just get bored of the look so why not change it up? In fact that's what I just did recently, as you can see. I changed up my blog a bit and I quite like it now. So go for it. But if you want to do something totally different, you can always make a new account just for that too.
Listening to: Creature Feature - The Unearthly Ones
I dig the new layout.
I like the new layout.
I hear you about saying what's on your mind. For about a month now I'm been working on a post about my thoughts on the idea of needing a "Christian alternative" to something but I don't want to offend anyone so it's always stayed in draft mode. I should just post it because I'm sure I'm not the only one that's bothered by this....
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