Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Label

I realize I have been gone sometime now, sorry about that.  And I have a new sort of series if you will, or at least they relate to each other in some way.  And this one is going to be the first post, on labels.

We put labels on this so we know what's what, but we also do this to know who's who.  I personally like to label certain things to make it easier to know where things are and have a place for everything.  A person on the other hand I really just don't care, because a label on a person really doesn't need to be there for organization, but just to get an idea of who that person is.

Unlike some I don't hate labels on people, but there are sometimes when labels are pushed too far and it just is ridiculous.  For instance, say someone finds out that this person they talked with before was emo, and so they stop talking to that person because they don't want to be seen with someone emo.  What difference does it make, it's still the person you were talking too before you found out they were emo.  And that is what does really bug me about the whole thing. 

Some label themselves for identity reasons, because in that they "find" who they are or want to be known as.  That can also be pushing it too far.  I say this because that is not what labels are for in my opinion, but are there to just more so group others with like interests together.  Someone may see the label of Goth and see that they have similar like interests in dark and spooky things and then can relate to the gothic subculture.

My blog title then only says a little about be in some ways and all about me in others.  The label Goth implies that I identify with the culture and have like interests with others in it.  The label Christian, however, says the most by implying that that is what my beliefs are, Who I follow is, and the like.  But there is a difference between the labels of Goth and Christian.  I don't just identify with other Christians, or have the same or similar likes and interests because truly there is only one like and interest and belief we all share.  In Goth we all have very similar if not almost the same likes, interests, and views of things, such as taste in dark music, the love of Halloween and vampires, etc., or how we express ourselves in a dark way by clothing and such.  But with Christians, in the end it doesn't matter what music we like, how we dress, what things we have in common, who are friends are, what we like to do, what movies we like to watch or anything.  The only thing that binds us together is that we believe in God and that is it.  That one thing, because nothing else matters. 

Done by myself.  Not off internet.

Even though I call myself a Goth, that doesn't mean that that is just what I am and should be put in a box to sort out who is who.  To fit in only one box would make to me a very boring person.  I can understand people who hate labels.  But they aren't there to put restrictions up, just simply to tell something about you, for instance you know two things about me by the title of my blog.  But that doesn't mean that that is it, because there is so much more to a person than a few labels, they just give a general view.  I say general view because like I said, there is so much more to a person than that, you actually have to know the person to know them.

Listening to: Creature Feature - The Unearthly Ones

Angel of Darkness 

1 comment:

Desertwinds-studio said...

I love the picture you made. The skull is awesome. :)