Thursday, February 10, 2011

Satan Is The Father Of Lies

Lucifer was an angel who was very close to God and was His as close to a favorite as God has ever had you could say.  He wanted to know God's secrets and take over for Him but that could never happen.  God saw his heart.  Lucifer became jealous of the human race; hates us because God loves us so much that His only Son died for our sins painfully on the cross.  In the Garden of Eden Lucifer became a snake and tricked Adam and Eve to eat the Tree of Life out of jealousy and to try beat God by then letting sin into the world.  Some believe that Lucifer, known as Satan to us, fell or was thrown out of heaven when Jesus died on the cross.  He wasn't alone either, he had fellow angels with him who turned their backs on God.  Those angels are called demons.  From the ugly nature of their now corrupt hearts they no longer look like beautiful majestic angels but freakish and horrid looking creatures.  He still thinks he can win this battle between good and evil, but that's because he can't see what God sees, and what we know from the book of Revelation, Jesus won!  Satan still thinks he has a chance.  He hates you with every thing in him.

That image you get of him in a red suite, horns and holding a fort is not how he looks at all, it is far from how he really looks.  He is a fallen angel sent to the pits of Hell!  He can disguise himself as he did in the Garden.  He may appear as the most attractive thing you have ever laid eyes on. 

The greatest lie that he has ever told is that he doesn't exist.

That was only telling you a bit about him to get started.
At night he whispers in your ear making you recall all those horrid things that you did in your past.  The past coming back to haunt you in the cold and dark of the beautiful night.  He tells you that you deserve more than you have, you deserve to be saved.  He tonts you with thoughts and images of things you want to forget, things that you know you should see or imagine, things that make you feel so sick inside, hollow.

The people look at him and say, "That man is powerful!"  No, no he isn't.  That's one of his lies and tricks that he plays on the unexpecting.  He is dressed a fine silk and satin, an expensive suite and shoes.  From where you stand he looks like a gentleman, like a guys you want to know who is rich and who has done nothing wrong.  People almost seem to walk right into his hands.  But never does he show his true self to you, you must find it out for yourself.  He won't appear evil. 

But if you believe that he doesn't exist and walk with this world doing all the wrong and sin you want then he and his demons leave you alone to do it.  Only those who try to do good or know he is there does he and his demons seek after to turn you away.  He wants your heart only to kill it!  To take you away from God. 

This place we call earth is not evil nor the things on it for God declared it tpo be good.  But after the fall of man into sin it became Satan's playground and you his toys.  He wants to devour you.  Like a lion waiting for his prey, for you to stray from the group.  His eyes are like black hollow pits staring back at you making the sweat running down you forehead making you feel cold and lifeless, when at first you thought you saw a soul in those eyes, that soul is gone from your sight. 

Death waits for you just around the corner, the other side of that wall, waiting to swallow you whole into either Heaven or the blackest pits of Hell.  Hell is not just some place at the center of the earth that's all fire and rock.  It's so far away from God that no light ever shines, no one has a soul anymore, people down there become not humans at all for humans have souls.  You will be in forever torment always.  And in the end Satan will be thrown into the bottomless pit and the door shall be locked so that he can never get out. 

The greatest lie that Satan ever told was that he doesn't exist.

Angel of Darkness
Listening to: Dommin - My Heart, Your Hands  (love this song but it's so addicting!)

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