Friday, September 2, 2011

Days 22, 23, 24

Day 22: If you could attend any Goth event what would it be?

I would love to attend Bats Day!  I would love to go to Disney Land one day, and even better yet would be on Bats Day.  This one would also be the most practical because it's only a two day drive to California.
I would also like to go Under The Blue Moon festival in Australia, I've always wanted to go there too.  I will never say that I will never be able to go there, even if the chances of that happening are very slim.

Another one would be the Drop Dead festival.  I really do like the deathrock look and a few deathrock bands, but mostly the look.  Or Whitby Gothic Weekend, that would be a cool one to go to.  And it's in England, which I really want to go to as well.

Day 23: Your favorite artist or photographer.

My favorite artist... You think I would have one, but I honestly don't.  I do have many great artist that I adore but no one favorite.  I love the works of the greats like Leonardo Da Vinci, he just amazes me.  Jan Von Eyck is another one, and how he made all his oil paintings so realistic.

Another one is Paul Cezanne.  He's not my top favorite but I love this painting of his (picture on right), along with the skull pyramid. 

I know I know of more but I just can't think of them right now.  And that bugs me so bad let me tell you!
As far as photographer, I really don't know.

Day 24: Name best websites for Goths.

I have a couple on my link list for Christian goths.  I never really look around to websites really.  But I know that a lot of the blogs I follow are real good ones.

That's all for now. 

I had such a good time last night, I hate when good times like that have to end, I wish they would last for a long time...

Angel of Darkness

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