Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Beauty of Life. . .

Well, I am back, and I was gone because of life.  I have done a lot of musing on life, and lots and lots of thinking.  School, I am very much ready to say good bye to.  And I have realized something very important: God is a God that can do all things, even the impossible, like change me for the better. 

Yes I knew that already, and have known it always, but it finally got to me.  I was in the car with my mom, going to the mall.  She was talking about wanting to change for the better.  It brought to mind how I was feeling that not to long ago, wanting to be the confident and Godly person I saw myself as.  And there it hit me, like someone turned of the Light, opened a door, let in the warm spring breeze. . . I was no longer thinking that.  I had prayed and prayed and done my best to push out of my comfort zone, and then one day, I was there!  I was fighting a tiresome battle in my mind, Satan winning and my losing.  But then, just when I was going to loose, God won it for me.  No more complication, it was done, I am now the person I wanted to be, and it feels great! 

I know that to possibly many of you reading this, this sounds just silly, or maybe it just doesn't seem like much.  But to me, to me this is something truly amazing.  To me the impssible happened, and a leep in my walk with God has just taken place.  And that means that I must enjoy it as much as possible because it won't last for too long, because as it is with driving, you go forward to far you must put it in revers (not that I went to far!), but you get it.

And by the way, life, it was mever meant to be complicated, that's all you.  But life, it was meant to be simple, not easy but simple.  I have made up my mind that there shall be no more complication, I was to really live, and complications make everything harder than it already is!

Listening to: I'm Still Here by Goo Goo Dolls   (from the Disney movie Treasure Planet, one of the best Disney movies ever if you ask me!)

Angel of Darkness, with SPRING FEVER!


Outcast146 said...

Thats really cool! :) It's always exciting to know you are where God wants you to be. :)

P.s. I love that song and that movie!

The Archaic Design said...

Hey Great site name is Nomad or Richard Anthony Drakke of Christogoth.com stop by some time...Christian Goths are hard to find and a rare gem indeed and we need to stick together Check out Gothicon Coming up in August too see you around the web